Tuesday, September 4, 2012

3DS owners, Kid Icarus: Uprising major sale!

Coffee Beans
I don't own a 3DS, but I know a decent deal when I spot one. Kid Icarus: Uprising is on sale for about the next 12 hours at BestBuy.com. How good is the sale? Best Buy has the game listed at 63% off its MSRP of $39.99, including free shipping with the sale price. This means for the next 12 hours, you can get a new copy of Kid Icarus: Uprising for your Nintendo 3DS for just $14.99; that's right $14.99 with free shipping!

You can grab the deal HERE.

Do any of you already own a copy of Kid Icarus: Uprising, and if so, would you recommend the game to other Nintendo 3DS owners that have been interested in the game, but just haven't purchased it yet?


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