Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Monster Hunter Tri's - A Stick in the Mud! (Data)

Quick Brew Info:
We last looked at Monster Hunter Tri's play-time data 3-weeks ago, from August 16.  With this week's data, I am including a monster hunt video I went on in the single-player campaign a few days ago.  In the video, I'm hunting a Barroth.  If anybody has hunted a Barroth, you probably immediately knew what I meant with "A Stick in the Mud!" in the title for this post.

Click image to enlarge
Approx. Number of Players Reporting Data:
Monster Hunter Tri has 39,114 players reporting play-time data, an increase of 3,265 players since 3-weeks ago.

Average & "Total" Game-Play Hours Reported:
Monster Hunter 3's average hours reported per person are now 76 Hours 26 Minutes, over 20.81 play-sessions.  The current average Monster Hunter Tri game-play session, per player reporting data, is now about 3 Hours 40 Minutes.

Monster Hunter Tri's average hours, the 76 Hours 26 Minutes "per person", have increased 4 Hours 58 Minutes, since 3-weeks ago. The game now has 2,989,625 Total Hours reported for game-play, an increase of 427,475 game-play hours since the August 16 Nintendo Channel data.

Sale Rank & Advertised Price:
Monster Hunter Tri's sale rank is #981, and the current sale price is $47.91.
The sales rank #981 is the lowest recorded sales rank I have seen Monster Hunter Tri have since it released in April.

Review Score Averages:
Monster Hunter 3's review score average is still 85.00%, based on 46 "professional" reviews, on

It appears that Monster Hunter Tri has a 4.5 out of 5 Star rating from customer reviews.  You can see the breakdown of customer reviews in the picture below:

I have been playing Monster Hunter Tri's single-player campaign little, by little, in the last 2-weeks.  As I mentioned in the "Quick Brew Info" section, I went my first Barroth hunt in the single-player campaign a few days ago.  I had hunted Barroth online with The Butcher and Den before, but I had never progressed far enough to hunt it in the single-player campaign by myself.

Here's Part 1 of my Monster Hunter Tri Barroth hunt:

As for the play-time data, I believe Monster Hunter Tri will become the "most-player" Wii game according to average play-time "per person", within the next 3-weeks; passing Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

The low sales rank is interesting, though it could just be a very temporary rank and tomorrow it could be back up in the #400+ sales rank range it had been in previous weeks.

Is anybody still playing Monster Hunter Tri on a regular basis?  If so, what nights/times of the week would work best to try to get online for some monster hunting as a group?

If you haven't purchased Monster Hunter Tri, and want to join in the monster hunting, you can see new and used prices on linked below:



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