Coffees Consumed in July:
Trader Joe's Fair Trade Organic French Roast(Dark Roast): You may remember this was the coffee that showed up in my mailbox back in June(if you missed that story, you can read it HERE). This was my favorite coffee from June. As I said in last month's post, Trader Joe's French Roast has a good, solid flavor.
Folgers Gourmet Supreme: My wife found Folgers Gourmet Supreme on sale last month, and bought us a container. This past Friday, she saw it on sale again, and purchased us another container. We drank a lot of the Folgers Gourmet Supreme in July, and August looks like it will be the same.
Folgers Gourmet Supreme is a "Dark Roast" coffee, and though the world "Gourmet" in its title may sound fancy, it just has a good, solid flavor like most of the Folgers blends we have tried.
Maxwell House French Roast: This was purchased sometime in the middle of July. Maxwell House French Roast is labeled as a "Med-Dark" blend of coffee, and I think it would be more toward a medium roast.
White Chocolate Mocha: My only "coffee snow cone" for the month of July was a White Chocolate Mocha from a Barnes & Noble's Cafe. The White Chocolate Mocha is probably my favorite sweet coffee drink, though I do not like getting sweet coffee drinks very often.
I call the sweet coffee drinks, "snow cones", because with a snow cone, the base ingredient is ice, topped with lots of flavored syrup; in the White Chocolate Mocha's case, its base ingredients are espresso, milk, and white chocolate powder(or syrup). With the mocha, I think the ingredient that wins out of course, is the white chocolate powder/syrup though.
(Seven games in July, the ? game will be posted about soon)
Games Played in July:
Groovin' Blocks: Groovin' Blocks was played again this month, after receiving it from Empty Clip Studios last month. The game is like a Tetris/rhythm game, but you don't rotate the blocks, but you shuffle the colors within each block that is falling, to be able to try and align colors with other like colors.
I think this type of game is best shown how it is played, so here's a clip of the first level in the game:
If you enjoy puzzle and/or rhythm games, you may want to give Groovin' Blocks a try. The game is available on the WiiWare service, as well as with a retail version that includes more levels for the game, I believe.
Monster Hunter Tri/3
: I started off playing Monster Hunter Tri pretty early in July, but the last 2-weeks of July, I did not play it all. I need to get back into the game, and go on some hunts.
I ended June with a Hunter Rank of 13, I ended July with a Hunter Rank of 16.
Rage of the Gladiator: I played Rage of the Gladiator toward the beginning of July, and recorded footage from me battling against Tagon in the game's Challenge Mode. I did so because an "Anonymous" reader had left a comment about not being able to beat Tagon on Challenge Mode. If anybody is stuck on a battle in Rage of the Gladiator, let me know and I will see about making a video of that battle.
You can watch my, "Battling a Giant: Rage of the Gladiator's Tagon in Challenge Mode" video HERE.
UFC Undisputed 2010
: I downloaded the demo for UFC Undisputed 2010 on my PS3, because I was doing a sales data story on the game. I was comparing the Xbox 360 and PS3 sale ranks for UFC Undisputed 2010 on, and to go with the story I made a video of some of my game-play with the demo. You can read the sales data post and watch the video HERE.
Pearl Harbor Trilogy - 1941: Red Sun Rising: Some of you may have seen my two videos I posted on Pearl Harbor Trilogy - 1941: Red Sun Rising, if not you can watch and learn a little bit about Pearl Harbor Trilogy, HERE and HERE.
I have never been a huge fan of simulation/arcade flying games, though I did enjoy Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II on the GameCube. I had exactly 700 Wii Points on my console when Pearl Harbor Trilogy released, and because of a Legendo Entertainment's Public Relations representative, Dan, being active in a few forums, I decided to purchase the game. I have really enjoyed the game so far, and I am glad that I purchased it. I may get a few more videos up for it later this month, with more impressions of it; once I finish the Japanese campaign.
Dementium II
: I received Dementium II from a contest I won from Dementium II is a Nintendo DS game, developed by Renegade Kid. I have only played about an hour of Dementium II, but I have enjoyed it so far; and I really like the setting/atmosphere in the game.
There was one other game I started playing in July, but it will be getting a separate post here in a bit.
In July, I had four different coffee blends/drinks, and I played seven different video games/demos.
If anybody has any questions about the games I played, please leave a comment. If you would like to see footage from one of them, just let me know, and I'll see if I can do it.
What games did you play during July? Did you have any specific drink(coffee or not) of choice?
For coffee, in July I finished up a large bag of Wawa Hazlenut coffee before getting a bag of Sam's Choice Free Trade French Roast. I am almost out of this, can someone recommend a good breakfest blend? I always liked New Englend Coffee Company, I might get that again.
ReplyDeleteFor games, I finished up with A Boy and his Blob. By finishing, I did not beat the game, but I played my fill of it. I recommend it, it is a very good 2d Platform/Puzzle game that you can pick up on the cheap.
Also, I finally completed all 120 Stars for Mario in Super Mario Galaxy. I pre-ordered Galaxy 2 and played it here and there but wanted to complete the first one. I also picked up some Wiiware/VC titles I played here and there but not a great deal: NyxQuest, TOMI4, Donkey Kong Country, Super Metroid.
For August, I want to play through Little King Story.
ReplyDelete..."a large bag of Wawa Hazlenut coffee before getting a bag of Sam's Choice Free Trade French Roast..."
Were those whole bean?
I don't know if you have tried any of the Folgers coffee blends, but my wife and I enjoy them a good bit.
I own Super Mario Galaxy, but have not found all 120 Stars. I found enough stars for the final boss battle, and once I beat it, I never really went back to it.
BTW, what do you think of NyxQuest so far? I have been interested in it, but haven't purchased it.
Thanks for comment and feedback!
Anybody else have a coffee drink of choice from July, or any games you played worth mentioning?
ReplyDeleteAll my coffee is pre-ground, I havn't invested in a grinder. For SMG, I really love it, even if you don't get all the comet stars, at least get all the regular level and hidden stars, there is some really fun stuff there. As for NyxQuest, it isn't bad, but I find it hard to recommend. I think Castlevania Rebirth and Mega Man are better.