Sin and Punishment was originally released on the Nintendo 64 in Japan on November 21, 2000.
The game was not ported to North American or European N64s.
(click image to enlarge)
Virtual Console Release/Days Since Release:
Sin and Punishment may not have been released for European and North American Nintendo 64s, but Nintendo did re-release Sin and Punishment on the Wii's Virtual Console for Europe, Japan, and North America.
North America received Sin and Punishment on the Virtual Console on October 1, 2007, for the cost of 1,200 Wii Points
The data shown above in the image is for North American Wii owners that downloaded Sin and Punishment off the Virtual Console. The data was collected approximately 1,002 days since the game released on the Virtual Console.
Approx. Number of Players Reporting Data:
Sin and Punishment has 42,058 players reporting their play-time data, as of today(June 28, 2010).
Sales Info:
The North American Virtual Console version of Sin and Punishment has made Nintendo approximately $504,696 since it was released.
Though Nintendo did not release the original Sin and Punishment in North America or Europe, perhaps the Virtual Console numbers showed them North American Wii owners enjoyed the game.
Just yesterday, Sunday, June 27, 2010, Sin and Punishment's sequel, Sin and Punishment: Star Successor
If you don't know anything about either game, here is a video of footage from both Sin and Punishment games:
If you could not tell from the footage shown, both games are "on-rails" but allow you to move around depending on the level design.
I think it is going to be interesting seeing how Sin and Punishment: Star Successor performs in North America.
Did you play the original Sin and Punishment? If so, would you recommend it for the cost of $12 on the Virtual Console?
If you did or didn't play the original, either way, did you purchase Sin and Punishment: Star Successor yesterday; or do you plan on purchasing in the near future?
If you are interested in either the original Sin and Punishment, or the sequel; links are provided for a Wii Points card and Sin and Punishment: Star Successor:
I really want to play this game, but it will have to wait a bit. My game budget for the month is going towards a certain young wizard.