In Part 1, I said that I hope Red Steel 2 keeps and improves upon the explosions that were in the original Red Steel. If you missed last weeks article with the video, you can find it by clicking HERE!
So, what do I think Red Steel 2 should keep and improve upon from the original for "Part 2"?
Interactive/Destructible Enviroments, watch some examples from the original game:
I have played several Wii FPS games. Call of Duty: World at War
Why do I hope Red Steel 2
Destructible objects help bring me into a FPS game setting.
Seeing damage happen to objects from stray bullets during gun battles can be a helpful reminder that not all "cover" in the game is safe. I think it also makes the game a little more "real".
If you're wondering about some things in the video, I'm providing a list of things that happen. The list will be broken into the approximate time of the event happening.
At :10 Ceramic tiles shot off pillars
@ :16 Fish tank is shot, causing water to flow out, they even animated two fish flopping on the floor!
@ :23 What appears as a piece of plywood on a railing breaks apart
@ :25 Computer monitor shatters
@ :29 Walked through a beaded curtain, it actually made the sound I would expect it to make!
@ :35 A jug of water explodes when shot
@ :42 Washer/Dry expels water and clothes when shot
@ 1:08 Explosion of a food truck causes a fire hydrant to burst in the street, the water shooting from the fire hydrant can be seen in the left of the explosion
@ 1:15 Panels actually sound like they're made of paper, as they appear they are
@ 1:20 Explosion of the kitchen range causes kitchen fire sprinkler system to cut on, you can see it coming from the ceiling to the left of the explosion!
@ 1:39 Enemies use spotlights from walkways above, to try and keep you from seeing where they are shooting you from. The spotlights are able to be shot out!
@ 1:55 A series of neon lights shot out
@ 2:05 Dinosaur eggs that break when shot, some of them contain dinosaurs...with guns?!
While these were some of the objects in the game that were destructible/interactive, there were other objects not shown that could be destroyed as well.
The objects shown were destructible/interactive, though not every object in the game was destructible.
Some computer monitors wouldn't shatter, some glass wouldn't break. Not all pipes would let steam out when shot, not all boxes would splinter/break when shot. It varied from level to level, but the destructible/interactivity of objects in the level was done extremely well.
I hope the Red Steel 2 development team took notice of this from the first game, and I hope it's as well done in Red Steel 2!
I know it seems that many reviewers rushed through the original Red Steel, and some of the attention to detail that the first game had may have been missed, even by some of you that played it.
Same as last time. Have you played the original Red Steel? If so, what did you think about it? If not, has what you've seen in the videos made you interested in it?
Are you planning on buying Red Steel 2 when it releases, or are you not interested in the game?
Leave a comment and let others know!
If you're interested in either Red Steel or Red Steel 2, you can buy them on just by clicking on them below!
I am one of the few that loved the first Red Steel. I didn't realize so much stuff was destructible though and now I am wanting to go back and blow up and demolish as much of the items as possible. I know this is off topic but I really enjoyed Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings because not only were the environments destructible but you could also use the items as well. But that's a side track from the questions.
ReplyDeleteI am really looking forward to Red Steel 2. I know that there is some destructible things but I am unsure that there will be as much as the first. I am not getting myself too hyped but I know what I like and from what I have seen so far I am liking it a lot. I will probably rent before I buy though to make sure I get my moneys worth.
I think Red Steel 2 will completely lack this, and that's a shame; a lot of the game's style, and fun, came from this aspect for me. I mean, in the first game, you had some wooden barriers that had to be destroyed with your katana to advance, and indeed Red Steel 2 has bamboo fences that need to be cut through to advance, but I haven't noticed anything else related to inconsequential destruction of the environments.
ReplyDeleteI'm excited for what looks like an interesting game in Red Steel 2, but disappointed that it's being called Red Steel when it appears to lack the best things from the first game.
I didn't pick up Red Steel due to the negative vibes around it and the disappointment it would inevitably bring. Looking at this makes me wonder though if I might've enjoyed it.
ReplyDeleteCan't imagine they do it for Red Steel 2 at all though. Probably going to focus on entirely different things like shooting and fighting mechanics and such. After all it is an entirely different game and kept the name only due to the original selling pretty well even with it's shortcomings(launch title ahoy).
What puts me off in Red Steel 2 so far is that without any blood and the (to me) not so great animations when you hit enemies, it makes combat feel a bit "impactless". Not that I need gore in my games and I understand they want to broaden their audience by keeping the rating low, but it just feels a bit off to me. Maybe it's only in the videos I've seen so far, who knows. Simply feel it is kind of weird that you can stab someone lying on the ground as finishing move, but there's no blood at all.
In the end I hope Red Steel 2 will offer a polished, unique experience that makes me feel like the WM+ is atually worth getting.
-gLitterbug(couldn't post with name for some reason)
@NintendoGamer: "I am one of the few that loved the first Red Steel."
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate the little things the developers did in the original game, like what I've shown in the videos.
"I will probably rent before I buy though to make sure I get my moneys worth."
My biggest concern for Red Steel 2 is replay value. There isn't a multi-player(that's we know about anyway), and I don't know a lot about the single-player, that would justify more than a single play-through at this point.
"I think Red Steel 2 will completely lack this..."
I know there are explosions in the game, and objects that can be "smashed". I guess we won't know until more previews/reviews of the game how the interaction is with objects.
Also, when you said, " the first game, you had some wooden barriers that had to be destroyed with your katana to advance...", do you remember what level this was? I remember having to blow up some gas/propane tanks, but I can't recall smashing wood barriers.
Sorry about it not letting you post with a name.
Sometimes it doesn't want to post my comment on the first few tries, so I always copy/paste, to make sure it works properly, because it takes a few clicks sometimes.
"I didn't pick up Red Steel due to the negative vibes around it and the disappointment it would inevitably bring. Looking at this makes me wonder though if I might've enjoyed it."
Stay tuned for more!
As for, "without any blood" part, the first game didn't have any blood either, but the ragdoll physics and the weapons really had a nice impact during battles.
"In the end I hope Red Steel 2 will offer a polished, unique experience that makes me feel like the WM+ is atually worth getting."
Same here, I don't currently own a WM+ attachment, so I'm hoping Red Steel 2 will be the first game, of many, that will give me a reason I want to own it.
Thank you all for the comments!
The wooden barriers happened in two levels, I believe. One is right near the beginning of level 2. It will take some searching to remember where it happened again.
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